So give me some background history (married, where from, what beer do you prefer? etc.) B-FEEDER2. How long have you been playing bass?
What made you start? SVEN~
I've been playing for approx 10 years, my Dad played guitar, and one night he was jamming House of the Rising Sun (The Animals version), and I tripped out, so
he taught me how to play the song, and I asked for a guitar B-FEEDER
SVEN~ I think my dream setup would be
exactly as J. Chancellor's from TOOL...every time I've seen those guys (indoor or out) the bass lines shake my chest cavity like nothing I've felt before. He plays a couple
of brands of basses but I know he sticks with Mesa Boogie speakers. B-FEEDER6. What band's have you been in? What band
are you in now? What band would you say you sound most like? SVEN~
I used to be in Subliminal Seduction out of Abq., Parvo out of Palm Desert, and Long Bored Daze in
San Diego (I sang and did not play guitar), now I work with a great bunch of musicians in a project called Filth Juggernaut, it's Metal up yer ass...we will have MP3's for everyone
very shortly. B-FEEDER7. Do you try to make your bass lines really
tough for every song or do you go with simple sometimes? SVEN~ Very
often I use pretty simple bass lines in our songs, and most riffs progress either faster or more intricate as the song plays. There is only myself and our guitarist (Brian
Way) so I have plenty of room to experiment (as we are still sort of writing material). B-FEEDER9. How do you get ready for a show? Any
warm-up routines? SVEN~ To warm-up
for shows, I like to start fights with unsuspecting girls in the parking lots. No, usually just have a beer and say hi to my friends. B-FEEDER10.When your dialing in your amp how do you
know when you've got the sound
B-FEEDER11. Who's your favorite bass player and band?
SVEN~ P-Nut from 311 fuckin rox!
I've seen Geddy in concert (he plays bass with his feet), Les Claypool is an alien, the aforementioned Justin from TOOL, and his buddy Scott Reeder (helluva guy), Trevor Dunn (Mr.
Bungle, Fantomas) is a genius, Jimbo (Rev Horton Heat), and of course Lemmy! Oh was I supposed to name just one? I guess that would be Mike Watt. He's just all
around gnarly. B-FEEDER13. This last question is not a question, I'm
leaving it open for to you say whatever you want. SVEN~
Never quit playing. Music is the medium of life, and Metal is the sound of living, Jack Kevorkian is a modern day Jesus, and Soultread is SVEN